Bunny Hill Designer Toys and Decor Items For Children's Rooms

 For kids' room interiors, Bunny Hill is an online store with products which will complement the look of a room. Many of the items are eco-friendly and made from materials that are safe for kids and the environment. The brand identity is based on Scandinavian brands, and its white colour scheme lends a calming atmosphere. The business also recently refreshed its packaging concept and official website.

Among the countless pieces in the collection is a beautiful storage basket designed to put on books and other toys. The storage basket fits easily into any room design and has labels for easy organization. The storage basket also matches perfectly with other furniture in the area and comes in both pastel green and simple white designs. Another great piece is the Sweetpea and Willow storage basket, which is constructed of natural materials and features mythic detailing. This basket is ideal for dressing up and for storing other accessories. Alternatively, you are able to choose a pair of storage cabinets and organize your shoes, diapers, and toys in exactly the same closet. https://bunnyhill.ru

A toy storage cubby is a vital area of the kids room interior design. Besides allowing your children to keep their favorite toys in quick access, it also allows for a stylish display of toys. A pretty wicker basket or patterned tote can make an original display for their toys while being easily stored away when no more in use. Incorporated with a lively color scheme, a model storage cubby enables parents to select a design that reflects their child's personality.

If you are looking for unique and stylish items for your child's room, you can find many great options at Bunny Hill. Its founders, Julia Volkova and Uliana Kolesnikova, will be the founders of the website. Their original inspiration originated from their native Kirov, where they both grew up. Nezhny Veter is a company specializing in textile souvenirs and designer items made from cotton and linen.


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